Sunday, August 3, 2014

The first "summer"...?

I remember just about two months ago how excited I was that my first year of teaching was wrapping up, I would finally be able to relax and focus on myself...or so I thought.  I signed up to teach a SUPER fun, camping themed summer camp at my school.  It was GREAT.  I got to work with students older than the second graders I was used to, which will help me next year in my transition to third grade!  Summer camp was completely different from the normal school classroom visits, no endless paperwork, and no deadlines that I had to stick to.  I was really able to base my teaching off of the learning needs of the students in my class.  If only I could ALWAYS teach that way!  Anyways, summer camp was great.  It only lasted three weeks and then it was really, for real, actually, my summer "vacation".  I say "vacation" because honestly, I feel like I have still been worried and/or working towards next year the WHOLE time.  I did go home to Minnesota and visit my family for a week, but found myself still talking about my work (thankfully they put up with listening to it!).  After that, I had full days of training for new curriculum, updates, refreshers, support sessions, and whatever else the district could find to help up improve our teaching techniques.  Some of the trainings, I felt, were definitely needed.  They provided me with fresh, new, exciting strategies to reach and engage my kiddos...but then, there are those trainings where you leave and wonder "what did I get from that?"

Now, it is August, and school is right around the corner.  This week starts the beginning of setting up my classroom for a new, exciting learning year to come.  I find myself searching for things to set up in my room, that the kids will enjoy and that they will feel welcomed and comfortable to continue on their learning path.  I'm NOT ready to go back, but at the same time, I am ready to keep learning with new students.  To my new students- I can not wait to meet you, learn from you, grow with you, and have a blast this upcoming school year!

To all my fellow teachers- remember why you do it.  YOU will be great.

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